What current Syn. Research ICs are equivalent to

the original VD master series performance wise?

Showing 3 responses by adhaney

Thank you Ozzy :)

I have VD Masters at the moment, that replaced Cardas Golden Presence. I loved them at first because they were that much better than the GPs, but after two years they are just too forward for me... and the stiffness... uggg.

I'm looking to replace them and on paper I've narrowed it down to SR and PAD. I'm thinking the PAD might end up being a bit dark though... and they are much pricier comparatively.

I'm wondering if I start with say the magnetic tricon or that combined with the Au79, if that would put me on about the same level, below or above my old original masters... or do I need to start higher up? I'd love to try Accelerators or the reference cables, but my budget won't allow for it right now.