What companies, out of Business, did you LOVE???

I had just sold my Proceed PAV/PDSD combo, with a trio of Jeff Rowland Model 7s, and EAD Theatermaster. While I was waiting for my new system (Cal Audio CL-2500 pack) to arrive, I realized I needed some tunes and went to the yard to see what was 'laying' around. What I found was not only fun, but the idea to begin this thread. Personally, I am interested in this question from a Home Theater standpoint, but welcome 2 channel responses as well.

What is the BEST systems or pieces you have heard from companies that are no longer in business!!

I went to the garage, and pulled up a Golden Theater GTX-1 I had purchased a few years back. Solo Electronics went under about a year into these units. They received rave reviews from the magazines, but they just didn't hang around for a curtain call. I then pulled out an older 5 channel amp and here is what I gathered!

The DTS/DD Golden Theater GTX-1, which is STUNNINGLY good in 2 channel (what everyone loved about this unit!) was the start, and I paired it with a Chiro 5 channel C-500 amp.
I thought, hey, this company is also out of business too!!!
This amp was also favorably reviewed and when I put this system together, I realized how good they both were, specifically in 2 channel!! These companies both had GREAT products and when matched together, WOW! Obviously this set didn't chase the Proceed/Rowland gear out of my house, but you know, it did give it a run for its money!! Here is my thoughts on the BEST OutOfBusiness Home Theater!!

Golden Theater GTX-1 (DTS, DD)
Chiro C-500 (140 x 5, THX (for whatever that is worth)
Hales Concept 5 (owned these 250 lbs monsters some time ago) and for a center channel
the Hales Rev 1!!

This system would be stellar for music and if for music, it would kick butt for Home Theater!! The Hales are fabulous speakers, require substantial power (like the Aerials I run now) but if fed properly, even the mother of 'The Fridge' would be proud!

Put your best OutOfBusiness (OOB) companies down!!!


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Showing 3 responses by dweller

Allied Radio.
Allied Was a gigantic electronics super store in the '60s.
Noted for their catalogs, Allied sold everything audio and even had their own brand (receivers, speakers, etc.).

I have fond memories of attending their "midnight madness" sales at the Western ave. super store in Chicago.

Empire "pedestal" marble top speakers? Sure!
AR turntables? You bet!
Marantz receivers with the built in tuning oscilloscope?
Right over "there".

I saw my first video recorder at Allied (Sony).

At 16, I owned some kick-ass acoustic suspension speakers with horn midrange and tweeters (12 inch woofers).
Drove these to thrilling levels with a 25 watt Kenwood S/S receiver via Gerrard SL-95B (later a Zero-100).
I heard Allied's parent co. was Altec-Lansing which would
account for why the speakers sounded so good!

Man I miss that place...

The thing about reviews is a person, who cares enough about audio to actually make it their career, has listened to something you want for months. They bring a huge experience base (can compare to lots of other similar functioning products) before rendering their conclusion.

Now assuming altruistic motivations (i.e. they have not been bribed by the manufacturer), they can have insight that I may not have the time or judgment to acquire.
Of course, your ears should be the final arbiter, but can you trust them after a 1 hour demo in unfamiliar surroundings with equipment you don't own?
Anyone mention Shahinian Speakers? Saw them at Chicago CES in the Nineties. Wish I could have heard them in my home. BTW, I was using the crossover vestibule in the Hilton and bumped into J. Gordon Holt smoking a fag. Always regretted not "bumming" one and saying "hello". Coincidentally, rode in an elevator with Mr. Julian Hirsch at the same show. Everyone disses JH but I had great respect for him.
Anyone mention S.U.M.O. electronics? Big in the Eighties...