what CD player or dac I should get. my preamp is sp10, amp is d-150

hello everyone, I am new to this forum. I got lucky to get a sp10+d150 combo (my speaker is .7 Magnepan). but shame to say, right now I am using 30$ Sony dvd playing cd, I don't know if I should get a better CD player .

so, my "vintage style" friend keep saying that I should get the old time peak. such as Philips lhh1000, Marantz cd7, cd12, cd94, cd99, Mark Levinson 30.6+31 etc. he said all this machine is not about the definition. those are all like instrument, some big giant at the old day adjust sound for this machine, and they make the cd sound analog style.

but, I guess, nowadays cdplayer is more accurate and get more info right?  some people say nowadays CD player will easy beat the old one.

sorry about the long foreshadow.
my question is, for my final cd machine what you guys recommend? old peak or nowadays audio research cd8 ect? do I need to buy cd turner and dac separate? I just don't wanna spend large money to get a brain exaggerate equipment.

also for small money CD player, what can I go for? actually I think the 30 buck CD player play music pretty nicely, I never have a good CD player experience, can you guys share to me?

thank you everyone.
also one more question separately, about my Magnepan .7 speaker. 

First, Magnepan is awesome! Magnepan is awesome!

it makes the music alive in my room, it is ture about all the good review. espeacially listen vocal. 

but, when I play the Bach suite starker, I suddenly feel like there is something wrong, the cello sound like viola(maybe I use exaggeration metaphor), I read the review, seems like Magnepan is truly lack bass. am I feeling right? 

I actually heard 3.7i before, it shock me, much powerful. but I didn't try the cello suite to test it. any of you guys have the 3.7i or 20.7 experience? do the bass enough for 3.7i or 20.7?   if I wanna heard symphony, is 3.7i enough?

thank you everyone. 
There are plenty of older CD players available on eBay. That's where I bought my Marantz CD63 - still an excellent unit! With the cost depreciation these older players are quite affordable! I have bought several more: California Audio Labs, Denon, JVC, NAD, Pioneer, Sony. ALL offer excellent sound quality - limited by the mastering of the source material!
Larger Magnepan's will offer better bass - with the trade-off of requiring more amplifier wattage! My Perreaux 2150B would drive the 30.7 with ease - 680 watts@ 4 ohms! 
For large-scale symphonic works (Bruckner, Mahler, Strauss ...) and opera played LOUD bigger Magneplanars and more watts will yield MORE realism!
No need to buy a separate DAC and transport! A well-designed player like the Marantz SA-10 offers sound quality competitive with any expensive DAC/transport! IMO the proliferation of more and more costly DACs is a marketing ploy for the insecure and gullible!
thank you, roberjerman.

it seems my friend is right, he recommend me Marantz cd63 too! yeah, I think nowadays high end DAC&CD player are crazy price.

about the magnepan, I really feel I should play LOUD voice! but my neighbor goes crazy.
then I will just go for 3.7i. really wanna get 20.7, but I don't have room for that monster, I only got 19x20 room. 
An active subwoofer will really help the bass! I bought a second-hand Carver The Cube sub for use with my Quads. A good and recommendable purchase!
Regarding the OP, he thinks Janos Starker Cello in the Six Bach Suites for Solo Cello sounds like a Viola.  Starker actually does have a light, pure tone, and of course in the Sixth Suite it will sound light is because Bach wrote it for a 5 string viola de gamba.  Before using this recording to judge the bass output of his Maggies he should try a different Cellist that really digs into the guts of the Cello, such as Yo Yo Ma.  And he would do much better with a Classical Orchestral work (not to mention Rock or Jazz) to test  the Maggies.  Sine I am guessing that the OP hails from the Netherlands, I would suggest the Amsterdam Concertgebouw in the opening of The Firebird by Stravinsky, either conducted by Jansons (better recording) or Haitink (better performance).
thanks for reply,I will try.
I think mage do really need to play loud. also I hear the seller told me that ARC d150 is good for high and mid tone, not really good at bass. I think maybe this is also a reason too.

but I think mainly problem is still about I need to get a bigger mage. and play loud volume. 

really hope I can get a 3.7i or 20.7 one day!