Call Rogue. They will tell you there is no inherent design reason for microphonics in this piece. All the tubes that I presently have in my Rogue 99 are not microphonic, and I have no problems with them. It is a matter of obtaining tubes from a source that knows how to test for microphonics and weed out those tubes. Andy at Vintage Tube, Uncle Spot, and Eurotubes will all tell you they have the equipment to test for microphonics, despite claims made by some NOS tube sellers that you cannot test for microphonics, or that all tubes are microphonic.
I think you should send your preamp to Rogue and have them comb over it for a bad component or solder joint.
I think you should send your preamp to Rogue and have them comb over it for a bad component or solder joint.