What Cartridge please?

I have a ClearAudio Concept TT w/satisty tone arm, and currently using a Denon DL110 cart, but I want to upgrade. What is the best cart that this TT can fully utilize?? 
I want to stay with MC carts as I like their sound, and preferably a CA unit, but I'm open in that regard.
My phono stage can handle any cart I throw at it, so no limitations there.

Thanks Fellas,

Showing 2 responses by williewonka

Shawn - since you are using a Denon DL110 successfully - you might be able to switch to a Soundsmith Denon DL103 or 103R - but verify the compliance first

I was using the stock 103 for a couple of years - then upgraded to the Soundsmith version of the DL103 with a Ruby Cantilever and a Optimized Contour contact line diamond for superb performance.

The mods were well worth the money and I retained the same sonic signature that I like - just with bags more details and clarity

You could even send your cart to SS for a cantilever/stylus upgrade

Take a look at their options page

Soundsmith also now carries their own line of cartridges

Hope that helps
Alas - soundsmith has stopped selling the wood bodied version due to supplier difficulties

Also see the latest news on Soundsmith here
