What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?

Only recently have heard about these pre-amps. Are they as good as they are made out to be? Is the least expensive model as good as say a R0land Synergy? I live in Seattle and have never heard of this pre-amp so any information would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance, Jerry.

Showing 7 responses by rwwear

Are these the preamps that have separate left and right volume controls? If so, why?
Volume controls can be stacked and still be independent of each other. This way you only have to turn one knob.
I can't stand dual volume controls myself and do not need or want balance control. And to not have remote capabilities to me is super bad. There is no reason I can see for not having a remote control. There are ways to implement it without affecting the sound if you know how. But that's just my opinion and others may feel differently.
I understand what you are saying Guidocorona. But it is very difficult to set the correct levels at the listening position without remote control. Unless of course one has their equipment within arms reach, we have to interupt the listening experience and jump up and adjust the sound level for different recordings. And to further exasperate things by having two separate level controls doubles the posibility of getting it wrong. If you have the ability to remember where every piece of music and source you own sounds best then you are very lucky. But, I have many different souces and recordings of LPs, CDs, Laserdiscs and DVDs all of which have different output levels. I agree with you about the artifacts that a balance control will add and as I stated above do not want or need one. And as I stated before, it is a simple matter to stack volume controls and still keep them dual mono. I don't have any quibbles about you liking your purchase. You decided before you bought it what you could live with. And from what I have read, it is a wonderful preamp and you should be happy with it. Hell, the excersize would be good for all of us but I listen to a lot of vinyl and have to get up a lot anyway.
I don't really care why he designed the preamp the way he did and I am not trying to be unconstructive. I am only pointing out what I feel about the design. If you like it, that's fine and I'm sure it is a great preamp. And I would like to point out to Artg that most of the companies he has listed now offer remote capabilties. This is not an obstructionist viewpoint just my feelings on the matter. I lived without remote contol of volume for a long time and still don't have it in my bedroom system but I sure prefer to have it.
At this time I am using a cheapy to get me by until I find a better one. It is a B&K PT-3. It sounds decent, very laid back but not very detailed. I had the Sonic Frontiers Line 3 and sold it. And I said most of the companies you listed now offer remote control preamps.
I'm sure Mr.Go has his reasons for making the preamp with dual volume controls. Whether or not anyone thinks they are valid or not will probably not change his mind or make him say, "Gee that's a good idea. Why didn't I think about that?"