What Cables - Cleaner Bass

I am looking for cleaner, tighter bass. Can this be found in a cable? I am interested in upgrading my MonsterBass 400. I am currently running them from a Proceed AVP processor to Def. Tech. BP3000tl subs. For those not familiar with the subs, they are 18 in., 1000 watt, built in to mains with seperate inputs. Extra info, speakers are bi-polar and tri-wire able, currently I have them bi-wired with AP Oval9, and using the jumpers as recommended by the manufacturer. System use is 50/50 music/ht. Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge and experience, it is greatly appreciated! All comments are welcomed.

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I probably shouldn't open this can of worms, but are you sure it's the cable that will give you better, tighter bass? Loubalch's recommendation for cones is a good one--I don't know if Mapleshade as the type that screws into the speaker, if so, that is what you should get--if not there are other sources that do. I am familiar with your speakers--they can put out a lot of bass---sometimes too much. What are your room dimensions--the room could be exciting certain bass frequencies and causing the whole thing to sound muddy. The advantage you have is that you can correct the bass separately without compromising the mids and treble. One thing I would recommend is using an SPL meter (if you use the Radioshack--get the corrections for it--they are located in other A-gon forums) and a test CD (stereophile CD2 or CD3 are both good) and see if there are particular bass frequencies that are giving you a problem. If so you may be able to correct them with room treatment, but if they are below 80Hz or so and are greater than 10db you will probably need electrical correction. For that there are a number of options from McIntosh EQ, to custom made notch filters, to TACT (very expensive digital correction--probably overkill for this). I just wouldn't want someone to invest in cables--if that's not where the source of the problem lies.