What budget integrated for 2-channel A/V gear?

Seeking recommendations for budget 2-channel (under $400) solid state integrated amp (used) for use with TV,PS3,Roku, subwoofer, and mini-monitor speakers. 50 watts up will be enough. Rather avoid the same old NAD/Cambridge Audio stuff please. Ability to connect my subwoofer a big plus. No phono stage needed or wanted.

Showing 2 responses by phasecorrect

Older es avr gear is quite good...older the better...look for red box transformer, 4~8 ohm switching, bypass~direct...new es is watered dowm
Not much out there in this range with your needs a receiver isnt a bad choice and will have sub out sony es avrs are vastly underated i have an oldr model that surpassed my nad in build n sound