What benefit does a DDC really do for a DAC?

I have a 2 year old Denafrips Venus 12th, I have seen some videos about adding a DDC to the Venus. I think I would try the Laiv Harmony uDDC because of the iiwi Review. It is newer and less expensive than the Denafrips DDC. Does anyone have the experience of adding a DDC to the Venus DAC. I use my Venus in a STAX Earspeaker setup only. Power starts from a PS Audio Power Plant 15 to a OPPO BDP-95 to the Venus, then to a Schiit Audio Loki Max than to my Stax setup. I am extremely happy with the results. Oh I forgot everything is XLR connected. Will I hear a difference adding a $850 uDDC, or more expensive DDC. 


Showing 1 response by baylinor

The general consensus is it really shines when wanting to turn a USB feed into a I2s connection to the dac. It does wonders for me. Innuos zenith mk3 USB to DDC U18 I2s to Audio Mirror Tubadour V. The veil being lifted saying is no exaggeration in my case. A huge difference from USB directly from streamer to dac.