What Are your impressions?

I have been researching different recepticles to up-grade to, up-on the research, I have found that Beryllium copper to be the best available, Now to the question, The Beryllium copper is still plated with either Rhodium or your choice of gold plated, If any, what Is your impressions of the sound between these different platings?, Thankyou community, I look forward to everyone's reply.

Showing 5 responses by audiolabyrinth

yes I did Zd542, I thought the question was valid, so I would like to know the community's response.
Hi Dasign, what exactly is Walker sst silver compound?, years ago, I use to use this gel substance for contacts like speaker spades and etc.., It worked very well, I believe I might have gotten this stuff from Audio-Visor, that was a very long time ago, I recently looked in a couple of Audio-visor catalogs and did not see an item that was like it, cheers.
Hi Zd542, Have you used the Walker sst silver compound?, where do you get it?, what are your impressions on this product, or anything like it?
Ok, It seems Rhodium portrays a forward sound stage, A presatation I do not like, The answer seems to be Gold plated over Beryllium copper would be the best fit for sound that I would like, or pure copper berryllium with no plateing, I was told recently that cryo treated metals sound good with the exception of rolling off the treble, any one hear that exsperience?