My Pass Labs INT 150 works great!
What are you using to drive your Tektons?
Hi all,
I recently took delivery on a pair of Tekton Pendragons that I really like a lot. The only "trouble" is, I'm greedy and I want MORE. I called Eric at Tekton and am going to order a pair of Double Impact SEs and send the Pendragons back. I'm curious what any of you Tekton fans out there have been driving your Tektons with that has brought you good results?
Thanks in advance.
I recently took delivery on a pair of Tekton Pendragons that I really like a lot. The only "trouble" is, I'm greedy and I want MORE. I called Eric at Tekton and am going to order a pair of Double Impact SEs and send the Pendragons back. I'm curious what any of you Tekton fans out there have been driving your Tektons with that has brought you good results?
Thanks in advance.