What are you using as a streamer? Constructive feedback please.

Wondering what improvements I can made to my streaming end and what you all are using.

Not looking to rip CDs and I mostly listen to vinyl.

System right now is:

Node 2 (latest version used streaming only with Roon)

Bel Canto e.One ref DAC 2.7

Bel Canto e.One ref CD3t Transport.

Bel Canto e.One ref 501S (best Class D to date to ever grace my system)

Mini GaN 5 ( had to try it and swap it in and out)

AM Qualiton X200 Tube Integrated (love it and gets most use)

QLN Prestige 5 Speakers.

All cables and wires are Signal Cable.

Appreciate the constructive feedback.

Have a great day.




Showing 1 response by jeoneil

Computer Audio Design CAT feeding an Aesthetix Romulus Eclipse

Gigafoil with Keces LPS on the Ethernet just prior to the CAT

CAD GC1 ground control on the CAT

Upgraded from a Logitech transporter feeding an Arye Codex

i doubt the bits changed but the sound sure did. I used to think it was only the bits that mattered but listening changed my mind