What are you streaming tonight?

As we are in the modern age of music I thought I would see how this fares.
We have threads specific for cdp and tt so why not streaming as it is a modern media.
I don't care if you stream Tidal, Deezer, Spotify, Paradise Radio or any number of internet stations.
I would like you to share your tastes and method of streaming.
Rattle That Lock .... David Gilmour.

Done for the night, up early to be sliced and diced!
Really looking forward to it......
Trying to relax and drift off this planet so ...

Dark Side of the Moon ... Pink Floyd
A one man show now...lol.
No worries, my thread, my music.

Greatest Hits ... Alice In Chains

@uberwaltz  Hey, it's not night here, yet! 

Actively streaming, despite that. Running test tracks as my IC breaks in. The Marching Saints (Live) 'Belafonte at Carnegie Hall' just spun up. Not my favorite on this particular album, though very good and even better as I am in New Orleans! : )
Never even thought about anybody taking the title of streaming tonight literally.
I just got a new digital ic so have to let that break in too. A step up the Nordost line from Heimdall to Valhalla.
Sounds very open and clear so far.

Pain meds popped.

X&Y... Coldplay.
Love J.J.Vale!
Nice Jim!

Feing even lazier now the meds kicked in.

2010s Rock Radio... Pandora Premium.
On Samsung Smart Tv then fed via toslink back into the Lyngdorf 2170, says it is streaming at 16/48!
Officially night-time (my def) 9PM CDT. Easing into the start of it with Live in Europe by Melody Gardot. 'Our Love is Easy.'
Too sore to do much more than select the hard rock radio channel on Deezer and let it rip
Know What I Mean and In New York a twofer........Cannonball Adderly and his Sextet on Tidal. @uberwaltz I hope your surgery was a success and you’re on the mend! @david_ten what interconnect are you burning in?
@uberwaltz - Hey, how you feeling? Looks like you are at least enjoying some good music listening time. I hope you're back on your feet soon......
They cant stop the music!
Thanks for your concerns, I am getting there.....
Time for some real rock music.

Phenomenon( remastered) ... UFO.

Schenker, Mogg, Way and Parker were a true tour de force back in the day!
Early evening in steamy Central PA...

Found the new/old, formerly lost Coltrane on Tidal (Both Directions At Once). Worth noting there is a 24 bit Deluxe Version available (as well as 16 bit).

Yea supposed to be worse than Florida up your way right now!

Hope it cools down soon for you.

Trompe de Monde... The Pixies
All the Things That I Did and All the Things That I Didn’t Do - The Milk Carton Kids

System: Tidal FLAC 48kHz 24bit / MQA 96kHz - Roon / Apple MacBook Pro - In-Tone Network Processor - Nagra Classic DAC/PRE/AMP - In-Tone Reference 100 Speakers

What is a CD?  :)
@uberwaltz - 
Thanks for the cooler weather wish.  Should break by the weekend.  On the other hand, it is July now.  How about yourself?  Recovery going according to plan?  Hopefully you've been released or will be shortly.  Be well.  

Another one:  Yellowjackets - A Rise In The Road (Jaco Pastorius' kid on bass)

Track 8, An Amber Shade of Blue

Intone. Glad you like that one, it gets a lot of play here.

Ghosthouse. I was out sat afternoon but really still feel like done a few rounds with a particularly mean T-Rex.
Glad I just can sit here, push a few buttons and have music.
Love my vinyl but hell no to getting up right now!

Ember... Breaking Benjamin 
Sway... Blue October.

Yes I am having a really lazy 4th!
Sitting in,my fave sofa, doped up with meds just pushing buttons on my Bluos app on the phone.

Post removed 
'Arcoluz' by Renaud Garcia-Fons. Five string bassist accompanied by acoustic guitar (Kiko Ruiz) and drums/percussion (Negrito Trasante).
Nice David.

I always found 4 strings were too many when I played bass, never mind 5...or 6!

Some real skill shown there