What are we objectivists missing?

I have been following (with much amusement) various threads about cables and tweaks where some claim "game changing improvements" and other claim "no difference".  My take is that if you can hear a difference, there must be some difference.  If a device or cable or whatever measures exactly the same it should sound exactly the same.  So what are your opinions on what those differences might be and what are we NOT measuring that would define those differences?


Showing 1 response by yoyoyaya

Measurements have been getting better but they are still imperfect.  Aggregate measurements of complex systems (the whole) are not necessarily fully reflective of the parts. One can measure down to component level and see differences which don't necessarily get reflected in the overall summative measurement. In addition, measuring dynamic phenomena in complex systems is even more complex e.g. weather forecasting and macroeconomic modelling (and reproducing music).