What are the speakers you very rarely find in the Used market(Audiogon or Anywhere)?

I'm looking for Vandersteen Quatro CT, Wilson Sabrina or DeVore Fidelity Orangutan 0/93 or 0/96. I rarely find it or in some cases, before I make an offer, it is gone. What other speakers are a rare find?
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Showing 4 responses by smer319

Vandersteen Quatro CT Available Used $12,500.00 Customer upgrading.
Vandersteen pricing is going up. Quatro will be like $18K. You snooze, you loose....
I have a Pair of T+A Solitaires for sale 1000SE In Carbon fiber. $32000.00Dealer Demos.
Vandersteen Audio gives very little mark up as they are priced very conservatively in the market. Richard is the Costco of Audio. Other manufacturers would have priced the Quatro for over $25K. Buying them retail is a bargain.
Vandersteen Prices are going up by 10%-15% based on models. No Exceptions ! Done Deal ! You snooze, you lose. April 2nd.

I also just got a pair of Wilson Audio Maxx 1 speakers great buy for someone who wants big bass...