What are the current useless terms in this "audio world"

Throughout the history of marketing of all kinds of consumer goods there have been many useless, hyperbole phrases and words used.  It seems on ebay, here, craigslist and others a current pet of Sellers is taking something to "the next level"....  which sounds like a great marketing term for an elevator maker.   


Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

( Old Heavys' been smokin' the oats....again......😏...*mock tsk*)

Chickens' gotta learn what their Final Rendezvous actually is...*shrug*

Melons...eat, urinate; repeat as required, Rx until melon turns jerky-ish.

MC is still reeling from a big hit of appreciation, he'll be OK....


My bets' on the next comet or 'striod....Funnydementalists' wish for (Second) Comings'...*gruntgrunt*ah*

Black Background.....White noise or Pink? (...sailor...;)....)

Reference?  To What?  Quantum Co-ordinal Waveform Timing?!  What the dog left by that tree that No One wants to approach?
When a salesprimate sez..."heard"....does he Really mean ..."herd", as in great markup to keep the lease?
"HELP!  I'm a rock!"

"...it's a drag bein' a rock....I wish I could be...an audio reviewer!"

Hyperbole comes in the territory...some exhibit more skill than others....

Kicked that, trusted my ears, what & how I liked what's playing..and how.

'Reference'....is Me. ;)