What are the best DIY cables you've heard?

If possible please leave a reference or pointer to the cable recipe for the benefit of other members. Thanks in advance for your comments.

Showing 2 responses by mezmo

Awl come on, enough of this "starting point" tease, what's a good ending point? ;)
Question about this stuff: the only teflon tape I could find is non-adhesive. It's really stretchy and sticks to itself when you stretch it, but it doesn't have any adhesive of its own. I need to keep looking, right? Is this the stuff you've been using?

Have ready to fire: WBT RCA terminators (x8), 25' expandable sheathing, 25' of teflon tubing, heat-shrink to go around, and this questionable teflon tape. All I'm waiting for is the wire (decided to go 32 guage, teflon-insulated silver, on order) and I'm off to the races. All I have yet to iron out is whether to run the signal wire down the center of the tube or wrap it with the ground a la Chris VH design. Anyone tried it both ways?