What are the alternatives for Kimber and Cardas?

My first choice interconnects for my gear is Kimber Kable Select 1021 rca, then the second is Cardas Gold Reference rca. What would be a third comparable rca interconnect that I should look for if my budget is strained? Gear: Plinius M8 Pre amp, Plinius SA 102 amp, Oppo 83 SE Nu Force edition.

Showing 1 response by xiekitchen

Just my 2 cents, as I have used both Cardas Golden Cross and Cardas Golden Reference, I'd have to say the Golden Cross work better for me. The Reference is a bit stale and very neutral, where the Golden Cross has more dimentional and fuller richer lushness... this works for me in certain set ups better than the Reference. I also like the Ensemble cables, especially their interconnect, at least as much as the Golden Cross, but it is not as dark and heavy as the Golden Cross.