What are the alternatives for Kimber and Cardas?

My first choice interconnects for my gear is Kimber Kable Select 1021 rca, then the second is Cardas Gold Reference rca. What would be a third comparable rca interconnect that I should look for if my budget is strained? Gear: Plinius M8 Pre amp, Plinius SA 102 amp, Oppo 83 SE Nu Force edition.

Showing 1 response by stanwal

I use Van den Hul The First Ultimate; I am also a dealer for them. They are very highly regarded over seas as an alternative to Cardas, but at a considerably lower price. They often come up here for under $250 a meter pair, the retail is about $400. I am familiar with Cardas and use Golden Reference as speaker cables. I also use silver for one TT, VDH for the other. Transparent makes even better cables than Cardas but makes them look cheap by comparison. You can't go wrong with Cardas but the VDH is close in my opinion. I don't sell on the internet so not trolling for sales, just giving my opinion. Whatever you buy I would go used.