What are the advantages of a line array design?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a line array speaker design?
Big, dynamic sound, and great bass response are some advantages. Small rooms need not apply
...a given mediocre driver maker has the opportunity to make lots more money??? ;^)
Each driver in a line array has less distortion because it shares the load with the rest of the drivers in the line array. Some of the best and most expensive speakers are line arrays. It is a very good technique to insure low distortion at high decibel levels. shay
Given that line arrays have more focused vertical dispersion (less floor and ceiling reflection), and that line arrays only lose 3dB SPL for each doubling of distance (vs. 6dB for point source), they're probably a good candidate for your enormous listening area.
I just checked out Wikipedia and it gave the history and theory behind line arrays....it pretty much answered all of my questions.

Line Array