What are some of the better tuners out there?

What are some of the better tuners out there? I am enjoying my Magnum Dynalab MD106T. I find myself at the mercy of reception and clean ac but when all is right the sound is quite nice. I’ve found good results with Amperage tubes but I find tubes too inconvenient in that they burn out too quickly. 

Showing 7 responses by tablejockey

"I’ve found good results with Amperage tubes but I find tubes too inconvenient in that they burn out too quickly."

Tubes in a tuner can last decades. Why yours aren't lasting is the question. The Marantz 10B and quite rare REL are the benchmark. Saul Marantz modeled the 10B after the REL

SS- Day Sequerra
Mcintosh MR78

I won't part with my   65 Mac  MR71 unless a 10B or REL fall from the sky into my living room.
Depending who you ask, a Modfierri tweaked MR 71 can go head to head with the 10B.

"Unbelievably, over 20 years ago I passed up and opportunity to buy 2 10B's for $1200. For the pair."

Zavato- that is a serious "audio buy regret" my condolences.
"I find myself needing to replace my tubes every 4 months or so and I don’t use my tuner that much."

Clearly that's not normal. You weren't doing that when it was new.

As mentioned in my original post-tuner tubes are  not driven hard. They can last decades. Either you're using inferior tubes or it's an issue with the tuner. 

audioguy85 mentions the Cambridge Audio 500T. I have the 550T as a backup. They are not the caliber you're looking for, but good functional inexpensive SS tuners.

"Pioneer Elite F-93. It slayed the Day-Sequerra"
Well...it is subjective audiophoolery  right?

I'm gonna find that article. Sounds like a good read.

A $50 used Pioneer FM tuner that was made to match the rest of "the rack" in the $700 package at the Good Guys. "Slays" the DS?

I'm giving my  65 Mac away for the Pioneer.


IMO, both are fine units. Personally, I wouldn’t beat my brains and be audio OCD with the white paper specs. Just make certain to get the best antennae setup, roof if possible.

Depending what article you read, it will claim the so and so was considered the "best" ....

I’m not a fan of black finished components. I like the look of the Accuphase.

Edit-you would need to have side by side in your room to make the best choice. One will "sound better"
"McIntosh MR 78 is their best sounding tuner.  It is a tube tuner..."

stereo5- I'm sure that was just an oversight, but the 78 is SS. It is indeed Mac's best SS unit. My daily driver is a 65 tubed MR 71, Mac's last tubed and best tubed unit-last year manufactured -1969

A Modaferri MR78 will give the best tubed or SS units a run for their money, but I'm sentimental and like a good tube unit.

I haven't heard the better Scott 300 series tubed units, but the rare REL Precedent that linked  earlier, is the end of game tuner for me.

better to err here than in a real life situation. No harm, no foul. Nothing burned or blown up!