What are some good tube amps that rock? KT88's?

Hi there, I am currently using an all older CJ SS setup. I fell I need a tube amp to get rid of the grit in my system. I thought upgrading my DAC would do it but it remains.

Its really important to me to be able to play loud, I have been told I would do best with a KT88/6550 based amp. I owned a CJ Premier 11A and loved (Sold it due to budget back in the day). I listen to everything but I play rap,reggae, and rock mostly when I play loud. Im going to be crossing over my speakers at around 60-80HZ

My speakers are B&W Matrix 804's which want a decent amount of current despite their small appearance.

Tanks a million

Showing 2 responses by unsound

B&W's are typically better with ss amps. I'm surprised your having problems with "grit" with your system. While a tube pre doesn't typically inflect a tube sound as much as tube amp, and while you have a fine ss pre, if you want to add tubes, I suspect for total system synergy, you might be better off with a tube pre rather than a tube amp. A
c-j tube pre might be a good candidate.