What are some good things to do when going to an audition

Trying to get some more ideas on some rules to follow when partaking in an audition.  Here are some of the initial thoughts on this:

  1. Don't Touch the equipment without permission
  2. Don't set your drink on equipment
  3. Be honest about your intentions of engaging in the audition.
  4. Its a good practice to bring a few CDs so you can listen to what you like.

Am I missing any?  


Showing 3 responses by hilde45

  • Don't audition anything you are not willing to purchase

This is not something I can agree with. Often, I don't know what I am willing to purchase. Often, I need to hear the next level up to make a judgment about what things can sound like. One cannot judge diminishing returns without listening to things at the next level. Plus, many salespeople are more than happy to play things at the next level -- helps educate me, and gives them a carrot to dangle in front of my nose, even if it's down the road.


This is not something I can agree with.

I said: Don't audition anything you are not willing to purchase.

Not the best choice of words, please allow me to re-phrase/explain: I meant price range.

With all due respect -- still disagree.

Listening to gear at all levels can benefit both customer (hears new things they can at least appreciate if not purchase right away) and store (gives customer an aspirational path, builds loyalty).

In most stores I have auditioned and purchased, the store rep auditioned better gear for me. Helped me, helped them.