What amps are out there that are Class A, 50 wpc into 8 ohms?

This is NOT a buying advice question.

This is a purely theoretical question. A friend and I were trying to figure out what is available that is:

(a) Class A 

(b) 50w into 8 ohms or better

My guess is that the answers will be Pass, Sugden, and then very very expensive things like Gryphon. I'm curious to see what folks come up with.

Just for fun.



Showing 1 response by yyzsantabarbara

The CODA #16 (100 watts Class A, 150 watts total@8). The CODA is not much of a heater. Just warm to the touch.

The KRELL Duo 175XD (175 watts Class A). Westminster Labs (100 watts Class A). These 2 use a biasing scheme. The KRELL runs cool, I expect the Westminster Labs to be similar in temperature.