What amplifiers/integrateds do you like with Cornwall IVs?

I sold my Forte IIIs and moved in Cornwall IVs.  I have 3 amps to play with, but because I'm doing break in and running them for long periods, I'm using a Class A Music Hall Mambo.  It sounds pretty sublime.   Later I'll try the 300B and PP KT150 integrated.  

What do folks like to pair Cornwall IVs with?  This Class A amp makes me think I should beg Santa for a Luxman Class A!

Showing 1 response by mijostyn

First of all, there is no such thing as too much power even with the Cornwalls. Having said that and Atma Sphere S 30 will drive them handsomely. I would prefer the M60's which would really rock. They are Class A amps (the best) and avoid transformers which introduce a whole set of problems. They are also beautifully hand made. IMHO they are the best tube amps made and I am seriously considering a pair for myself.