what amplification are you running with your Dynaudio Heritage Specials?

currently running a Supernait3 but would like to try a few other options, at some point will try an AHB2 (or two)  and an Anthem STR integrated

what are you guys using?


@bluethinker relative to the other amps you’ve tried, is the success of this pairing with the 120 evident at low- to mid-level volume, or only (or mainly) at higher volume levels?

@drubin - That’s a great question. In my experience, I never could get the HS to really sing at lower volume with any of those other amps. I once tried them with the Luxman 509 amp, which matches the power of the Gryphon, but felt the combination was too bright. 

So to answer your question, the Gryphon Diablo 120 does make the HS play well at medium and lower volumes. I don’t feel like I need to crank things up to get the beauty of the speaker. 

This journey of diving into audio has been an adventure. The first thing I bought were the Dynaudio Heritage Special speakers. For awhile, I regretted not purchasing a higher sensitivity speaker. Paired with the Gryphon I have no desire to seek or upgrade. For the record, I’ll keep my QLN Prestige 3 speakers and drive them with the Conrad Johnson Classic 120 and switch that system in every few months, but it’s hard to beat the synergy of the HS with Gryphon. 

The STR is tough to beat in that price range with their built in room correction, its an uber handy tool.

I've used my HS's with a Luxman 550axMarkII, a Luxman LX-380 integrated tube amp, the Cronus Magnum III and a Musical Fidelity 6si. To my tastes the 550 and the MF6si sound fantastic although the LX-380 is close. I sold the CMIII and just acquired an Audio Research i50 which I plan on trying after some air time with the Devore Super Nines.