What am I missing streaming music with a Node 2i

Just getting my feet wet with some separates and better speakers. I started out streaming Tidal through a Marantz AVR and needed something to stream to the preamp and went low dollar with a Bluesound Node 2i. It sounds good and all I plan on doing is streaming, I'm not planning on ripping CD's or tying into a PC. Do I need to spend more on streaming equipment or will this get it done?
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Showing 3 responses by jackd

Another option to the Lumin D2 is the Teac Reference NT-505 though in addition to streaming like the Lumin it also has the ability to serve as a full function DAC.  I have owned both and prefer the AKM 4497's in the Teac over the Wolfson chipset in the Lumin.  Both use the Lumin app for a control app.  
Not sure I understand what you're asking.  The Teac has both SE and Balanced analog outputs but I don't know if you can hook up both at the same time.  If you are using your Marantz as a control center including bass management how are you going to do those things.  Tell me exactly what you are proposing including the specific gear included.  I have mine connected via balanced IC's to my BHK preamp with the volume on the Teac at unity gain.