What am I missing?

When discussing streaming we often hear the quality achieved by streaming compared to "cd quality". "Cd quality" seems often to be the standard by which streaming is favorably compared while cds have at the same widely fallen into disfavor as a medium. If "cd quality" continues to be a quality standard by which we judge streaming services -which it appears to be- why exactly do we hold cds in such disfavor? More sophisticated dacs can always be employed with cd transports as they are with streaming. I understand the convenience and storage issues with cds but I also understand that with streaming you will never own the music which you do with cds. This becomes even more unclear to me when considering the resurgence of vinyl and the storage and convenience issues involved with this medium. I don't believe the music industry ever wanted us to own the music we listen to but rather preferred we only rent and pay for that music each time.


Showing 3 responses by curiousjim


I am enjoying the heck out of the cheap prices on CD's

Last year went to a multi family garage sale. They had boxes and milk crates of CD’s. After I started looking through the third box, the guy comes up to me and asked me if I’d buy them all. I asked “How much” and he said $150. After a few more minutes I bought the lot. 1100 CD’s.I kept around 100 and gave the rest away. So I ended up paying $1.50 a disk!

I have about 1600 CD’s and about 1700 ripped CD’s on a NAS. There is a convenience in using the NAS, but the sound is about the same. I just started streaming 6 months ago and am currently using Amazon Music HD. The quality of their music is all over the place! Some tunes that they say are in high res sound horrible when compared to the CDs that I have.

After the holidays, I’m going to do the Qobux and Tidal trials and see/hear what the difference is.

Quality is what I’m looking for. I’ve had good sounding records and bad sounding records. The same with cassettes, reel to reel, CD’s and even some HD downloads! Poop in, poop out, no matter the format or in some cases, reformat.