What alignment method? Audio Technica ATPL120

One of VinylEngine's protractors is Technics specific. Because the Audio Technica ATPL120 is such a close Technics clone, should I use the Technics specific protractor? I don't know if they have the same mounting distance. Would Baerwald work too, or are you NOT supposed to use Baerwald on a Technics/ATPL120?

I promise I'll stop annoying y'all about this once this question is answered!
Download this tool:

Custom arc template generator for phono cartridge alignment (also prints strobe disks) V 1.08


I *believe* the Pivot-to-Spindle (P-to-S) distance for the AP PL-120 is 230 mm (but you should pull out a handy-dandy ruler to verify).

Enter that P-to-S distance into the tool linked above, select IEC to set your inner / outer groove radii, and "Lofgren A" (which some call "Baerwald").

Print out the template on a good sheet of photo paper, and re-verify the dimensions of the protractor with your handy-dandy ruler.

Use the help button and the readme.txt if you have any questions.
I couldn't get it to work :(

A better question is: Can I align the ATPL120 using Baerwald? Does anyone know, is this OK (as in it won't damage my vinyl)?
If it were my turntable, and especially if I established that the effective length of
the PL-120 is the same as the SL12x0, then I would definitely just use the
Technics protractor available on VinylEngine.

What kind of cartridge are you using? I don't think there's much chance of
damaging your records from incorrect overhang unless *maybe* you're using
one of those extra long, thin stylii, such as a Fritz-Geiger. If it's a basic elliptical
or MicroLine, you're probably safe, and if it's conical, you're almost certainly
Ortofon 2M Blue

By length, do you mean mounting distance? What exactly is mounting distance; how do I measure it?

Technics or Baerwald (or both) is the ultimate question...