What affordable amp should go w/ magnepan 1.6?

I am a real novice here guys. My situation is this, I am building a stereo system from the ground up, wich pretty much means I have nothing except the magnepan 1.6's. I am trying 2 figure out what I should use 2 drive them. I would like 2 stay under 1500(is that realistic?)and I am not interested in home theatre(possibly a sub later). I am very new 2 this so any and all info(cables,other components complimentary 2 the magnepans) would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by rgd

Bryston 4B-ST can be found here for easily under your $1500 target. Matched up to am decent preamp (I've had great luck matching Bryston amps to tube preamps)it will be a super amp for the Maggies.
While the NAD is a nice combo the amp falls a little short for 1.6's and would be better suited to MMG's. I know this as I owned 1.5's at one time and the wife has a C270 in her system - tried it and found in a medium sized room would probably be OK but you are better off with more power.

Maggies love current and you can never have enough power for them so I'd be looking at something that is putting out around 300 w/ch @ 4 ohms.