Couple years ago, I ordered a Freya+, Aiger and a few sundry items directly from the Schiit website . After waiting a few weeks, I called to find out where my stuff was and when it would arrive...Schiit cancelled my order. They thought I was Not A Legitimate Customer, this while the entire purchase had been fully charged to my Visa for about 3 weeks. The telephone conversation got worse from there... nothing they could do...they could not give a, I could not speak to anyone else there...they could credit my account... I could re-purchase the items again but regrettably... Schiit was out of stock and I would have to wait a few more Months... but only if I changed the Deliver To Address...What??? My position was, SCHIIT is Not a Legitimate Business.
Needless to say... I moved on, investing three times as much money on something else and have never looked back. The whole experience has resulted in me getting a FAR SUPERIOR nucleus for my main system and ZERO F____s given for Schiit and their business.
I am sure they make fine equipment but...I am Much Happier with my purchase of Real Tube Equipment.