What 3 recordings from different genres do you and your wife/partner appreciate equally?

I thought this might make an interesting thread since there are many polarizing aspects of high end audio when regarding your spouse/partner. With approximately 1400 vinyl albums and 1100 compacts discs there are less then 100 recordings we equally like. Maybe this is normal for audiophiles? Post as many genres as you like, as always I appreciate your time and comments. These recordings quickly came to mind. Appreciating Back To Black more as time goes on, my wife loved it in 2007!

Classical-Vivaldi Four Seasons
                Mendelssohn-Violin Concerto
                Holst-The Planets

Jazz-Bill Evans Trio-Sunday At The Village Vanguard
         Shirley Horn- Here's To Life
         Diana Krall-Love Scenes

Pop/Rock-Neil Young On The Beach
                 Roxy Music-Avalon
                 Amy Winehouse- Back To Black


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Tchaikovsky 1812   
Jennifer Warnes The Hunter   