Wharfedale Elysian 4 Incredible build quality and sound, but made in China.

When I walked into the shop my eyes were struck by these gorgeous looking beauties. Then I sat down and took a listen and said to myself they must cost $20000.-25000. When the dealer told me $10000. I was floored. What the hell, how can this be? Then he explained they’re made in China. I thought to myself, well if they’re who cares they look and sound fantastic.

Showing 1 response by mijostyn

Unfortunately, China is the 800 pound gorilla on this planet. I refuse to subsidize that kind of behavior. There are plenty of great American, Canadian, Australian and European speakers available. GE needs to move it's plant to the West and not wait until it is too late. Where did patting Germany on the head in the 1930's get us? Before WW 2 we were shipping arms to England and putting sanctions on Japan. Sound familiar?