Western Electric looking for consumer feedback to make new tubes!

This was brought to my attention a few days ago, and I’ve filled out the form stating that I would love to see mid-priced 6SN7s, 5U4Gs, EL34s, and KT88s from them. I’m not sure how long of a time-frame we’re looking at here, but it appears at the very least that Western Electric is interested in hearing from us! Please fill out the form and don’t forget to put down what tubes you would like to see from them, this could be a good thing! Best regards, Aric




Showing 3 responses by rocray

I was chatting with a gentleman on another forum,that has been testing a pre production 6sn7. I was told WE will be releasing the 6sn7 in September. He was not at liberty to give a price point. 

Sometimes,not all times,but sometimes you have to belly up to the bar to get the better things in life.  I’ve also learned that sometimes,”value” costs more,because value doesn’t always mean low price.  It will surely be interesting to see what comes out of WE. I hope that these will be in my “value” wheelhouse. Time will tell.