Were any of you taping concerts circa 1972-88?

I would love to connect with anyone else who was taping on cassette or reel to reel in the era using good gear. I am mostly nterested in rock (I suppose "classic rock") artists. Not so much the Dead or jam bands.

Because the gear was expensive, a lot of early tapers were hi-fi enthusiasts so I figure there could be some lurking here.

I had (still have) a Tandberg reel machine and two Beyer M500 (ribbon) microphones. I have a recording of (classical guitarist) Sharon Isbin playing in Dallas ca. '77. I have a box of tapes of Beto y los Fairlanes, a local Austin band, from around '78. Also some lesser-known guitarists and bands. Nothing earthshaking.
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I playback a lot of music these days on my CR-7A Nakamichi. It is impressive.

What years were you taping off the radio and where? Might want to encourage you to dig into those boxes.

Write me if you're serious.
