
Responses from butterking

Were any of you taping concerts circa 1972-88?
Donjr,I playback a lot of music these days on my CR-7A Nakamichi. It is impressive. What years were you taping off the radio and where? Might want to encourage you to dig into those boxes.Write me if you're serious.Butterking@aol.com 
Were any of you taping concerts circa 1972-88?
Just giving this thread a bump in hopes of finding any Audiogoners who recorded concerts themselves back in the day (or even did a lot of taping off the radio) and still have the tapes. Interested mostly in rock artists 1970-90. If you have any ta... 
Were any of you taping concerts circa 1972-88?
Well aware of Wolfgang's Vault, thanks. I am specifically looking for folks on Audiogon who may have recorded concerts themselves and still have the tapes.Best,E 
Were any of you taping concerts circa 1972-88?
Peter_s, did you or your friend record concerts and still have some masters? 
Were any of you taping concerts circa 1972-88?
Stereo5, what happened to the master tapes you made? You said you got out of the hobby but did you give them away?Tomcy6 and Slikric3000, I am familiar with tradersden and archive.org, and there is a wealth of good stuff there. I am specifically t...