Well Tempered latest products

I like the golf-ball concept and have a few questions on it.

1) LTD arm - I see 3 screws at the arm-base, for sure I know it is not a SME mount. ;) What is the arm-base mounting specs?

2) Is the LTD arm design based on a standard 9" arm-tube arm-base? But I think its arm-tube is 10.5"...

3) How long can the silicon fluid last in the cup? Does it evaporate over time? How to maintain/clean the fluid?
I have a humid environment, will it affect the silicon fluid? And dusty too... ;)

4) Anyone compared the SONIC performance of the Versalex and Amadeus GTA yet?

Thank you
If the damping fluid is hygroscopic, it can absorb moisture from the air when there is high humidity and lose that water content when the air is dry. In that way, I suppose the volume of damping fluid can appear to go up and down, but the fluid itself would likely not evaporate to dryness, ever.
3) forever I would imagine, it's very thick, not something that would evaporate. I also live in a dusty place, and that was a concern of mine before buying, but my goop is still looking fine. no need to replace it.