Well Tempered Labs Record Player, thoughts on a used one?

Very intrigued by a Well Tempered Labs Record Player that is up for sale right here.....

Looks like a lot of detail changes to what I would consider the "norm" for a turntable certainly in the tone arm area.
Anybody had experience with these?
Are they as fiddly to set up as they look like they maybe and if so are they worth it in the final results?
Thoughts at all?

Showing 1 response by topecat

 I have recently inherited a Well Tempered Lab Reference TT
I am not interested in keeping it , not an Audiophile by any means and need to sell it.  It is hooked up with a Van de Hul Frog cartridge which I will remove and attempt to sell separate . In regards to the TT I am totally overfaced with the prospect of understanding how to disassemble , remove silicon , pack and put up for sale .  This was originally bought by my brother on Audiogon  used in 2008 for over $3K.  It has been of great service since then and used mainly for 78's and older recordings as in my brothers opinion that was the best set up for the older recordings and transport to CD .   Is it safe to transport in my car to a new location/person to help me with disassembly?