Well maybe it IS my hearing

Hi everyone,
Lately I've gotten into some lively debates. One thing which I'm afraid we don't take into account enough is our own personal hearing. Truth is there's now way I can hear like I did when I was 20 something. So, quite likely I hear very differently than other A'goners. Just because I personally can't hear a difference in a power cable / tweak doesn't mean you don't. I don't make that claim. 

However I think it is also unfair to accuse me of having an agenda if I can't.

Lastly, if I can't hear a difference, the financial value I place on a more expensive tweak = zero. That's just the way my wallet operates. I'm not buying to impress others. My stereo is not my Mistress whom I must serve with more and more expensive shoes.  I just made her a very pretty red and carbon fiber and aluminum power and she's going to have to be happy with that.

I do take exception to over broad, fact less claims of performance however, or people working very hard to explain to me how wrong a person I must be if I can't hear a difference.

I think this is good for you as well. Buy what your ears tell you have value, and don't be swayed by crowds.


Showing 1 response by lhasaguy

I am 70 now, spent 8 years in the service, qualified as expert in many arms, incl M60 machine gun, 1911A1 45 cal sidearm, M14 & M16 rifles, M79 grenade launcher.  Tou get the idea, no hearing protection in the 60s.  Then there were the concerts, Janis Joplin, The Doors, Allman Brothers w/Duane, Stones in many occasions.  

Thus my hearing is less than stellar.  Yet I can discern quality from crud, but the nuance of power chords and mega dollar cables is beyond me.  Thankfully so.

Now I enjoy the Maggies mid range and nuance of jazz.  I still love old Rock n Roll, but can only take it in small doses.

Long way to saying Buy what sounds good to you within your budget and care not about the lunatic fringe with agendas.  Enjoy the music!!