Well...I am taking the plunge into digital..

Wanted to introduce myself and say hello and continue to learn here. I have been lurking and learning for a couple of months as I educate myself on the digital side after a lifetime (60+ years) of tube "Hi-Fidelity".

Currently just playing with my home theatre set up and running Mconnect into QoBoz from my I Phone into my Yamaha receiver to Def Tech Power Monitor 700's to understand the landscape. Much to learn before I commit to scaling up my next system.

I am intrigued by the technology and have listened to a number of systems. Thanks  for the knowledge shared already.



Showing 3 responses by gdnrbob

Though digital streaming is just 1's and 0's, software is the beast behind the curtain. I would recommend that you either call or PM John Rutan (Audioconnection). He can give you great information at a great price-Free!.


The DAC in your receiver, as well as the Bluesound Node will be pretty bare bones.

Like most things in life, the more you pay, the more you get.

My 2 cents-

get your system dialed in a best you can, then take on digital. 

I started with the Bluesound Node, which is great for the money, but not the end all in terms of sound reproduction. It all depends upon how far you want to go down this rabbit hole.


Using wired is my preferred method, though I can understand the need to use WiFi.

If you do go wireless, try to use the 5ghz band instead  of the 2.5. It has a shorter range, but has much fewer signals running on it.