Welcome to the tweakend!

Just got my Amazon order.  Picked up some nice some cans of Raquetteballs, a dozen Sushi dipping dishes, and a couple of excellent quality maple cutting boards.  Let the games begin!

Showing 5 responses by vinylzone

Bingo! (the first one, well, maybe both.  We'll see)

I'll try and post some pics tonight if I get the chance.

I tried the inner tube thing back in the 90s.  I found it just about impossible to balance components where the center of mass was significantly off center.

The Raquetteballs do have thicker rubber, but it's still the air inside the ball that provides the spring.  And it's much easier to level a component with the center of mass was off center of the component.

BAT VK-30SE preamp on one, Herron VTPH-2A on the other. I may also try it under a secondary turntable I use for checking out used records at some point, but right now I don’t have a pile to check out.


I may try that again at some point, if only to compare to the balls.
My system is in Flux right now.  Are you talking about virtual systems? If not, where?