Weiss 501 DAC

Anyone running the Weiss 501 as preamp/DAC straight into a power amp or active speakers? How does it sound? Thanks

Showing 7 responses by jerryg123

I am sure the folks at Bel Cont, Border Patrol, Bryson, Simaudio, McIntosh….would argue no.

May be the rage for cheap. 

Chinese DACs is where it's at now

Why I race on Dunlop or Michelin.

Highly doubt any of those companies will be acquired by Chinese.

@melm did I say that?

No I did not. And there many European companies making top line DAC’s

So enjoy your day. BTW Denafrips just had a price increase.

Engineers do not build DACs in China slave labor does. Engineers in China reverse engineer Western products, enhance them to a degree and sell them in the West.

Also the DAC was invented by an American.



Tell me please, why do you think that a country that annually graduates about 10 times the number of engineers than we do in the US cannot develop a top of the line DAC?

See Holo, Musetec, Denafrips, . . . . . . . . more to come. Western producers of over-priced DACs, and we can all name them, look out!

@melm This is exactly what I said.



I am sure the folks at Bel Canto, Border Patrol, Bryston, Simaudio, McIntosh….would argue no.

May be the rage for cheap. 

Chinese DACs is where it's at now

@lordmelton Musical Fidelity is owned by Heinz Lichtenengger

The CEO and founder of the coveted Pro-Ject Audio Systems brand, Audio Tuning are truly independent - keeping Musical Fidelity firmly within the audio industry, avoiding the loss of another precious brand to an investment group or faceless multi-national corporation.

If you are talking about this: It is not politics it is HUMAN RIGHTS. AND FACTS

@melm did I say that?

No I did not. And there many European companies making top line DAC’s

So enjoy your day. BTW Denafrips just had a price increase.

Engineers do not build DACs in China slave labor does. Engineers in China reverse engineer Western products, enhance them to a degree and sell them in the West.

Also the DAC was invented by an American.



When you start mixing in ignorant politics, I lose patience and interest.

Over and out!

Who said a freaking thing about politics?

Guess reading comprehension is an issue eh?

I don't think you were ever tuned in.



@melm This is exactly what I said.



I am sure the folks at Bel Canto, Border Patrol, Bryston, Simaudio, McIntosh….would argue no.

May be the rage for cheap. 

Chinese DACs is where it's at now