Weight, Clamp or stabilizer?

I have a vintage Pioneer PL-560 Direct-Drive Automatic Turntable purchased around 1980. 
I'm trying to get it to produce the best sound its capable of.  I plan to order a set of SVS subwoofer feet to replace the worn feet (I have an SVS subwoofer and removed its feet and temporarily placed them on the TT base with good results).  I read an article about TT tweaks.  A few things they suggested were an upgraded mat, clamp and isolation feet.  Thing is since the TT is a direct drive I don't know how much extra weight it can take (if any), and the spindle is about 7/8 inches tall so I don't know if that's enough for a clamp.  The original rubber mat it came with is in great shape. Do I need to replace it, too? I'm willing to invest in tweaks to improve this turntable, but not interested in replacing it.

Showing 1 response by big_greg

Check out the Clearaudio / Souther Clever Clamp.  $35, hardly weighs anything and works.

The SVS feet might be good for a turntable, but they are designed for heavier devices.  I don't know if that will matter or not, but something to consider.

I recently picked up some feet from mnpctech for my JVC direct drive turntable and they were a big improvement over the stock feet.  Looks like they have them for Pioneer tables -  https://mnpctech.com/turntable-feet-replacement-isolation/pioneer-dj-plx-500-plx-1000-turntable-feet-replace/

My JVC is an 80's vintage turntable also and the rubber mat works fine.