Weakest link?

Hi All- I ask this knowing full well it's an opinion-based question. but... I current have an
- Oppo 105 with Audioquest Makenzie Balanced into
- Marantz 8802a with Audioquest Makenzie balanced out to
- Lexicon RX-7 with Audioquest Slip 14/4 to- Revel Ultima Salon 2
My question here is, If I upgraded the cable between the Oppo and Marantz to say Audioquest Earth, is that upgrade going to impact much since I'm not changing anything after it in the chain?  Weakest link theory and all that....curious what other's have experienced through piecemeal upgrades.

Showing 2 responses by soix

Not that the 8802a is a bad prepro at all, but I think you'd get the biggest improvement by incorporating a good stereo preamp (preferably with a HT bypass input) if 2-channel is important -- and I assume it is since you're not asking this in the Home Theater section.  Anyway, that's where I'd put my funds next.  Best of luck. 
Nice!  Man, I bet the Salons sound awesome with those subs with good 2-channel material.