Weak Link in chain as I upgrade from mid-fi?

This is a long post but want to be thorough in giving my setup and thoughts on it. Any feedback or thoughts welcome:

I finally caved and started to invest in a stereo setup after years dedicated to head-fi. Currently it's a 'starter' 2 way system focused entirely on digital and I'm pretty happy with it but want to sort of map out a good upgrade path, and am curious what if any 'obvious' weaker links I have in my chain...if theres something I could make a singular upgrade for and notice improvements without having to change a whole lot at once


SF Sonetto i
Arcam SA-20 for amp + dac
Bluesound Node 2i for streaming/Roon
Marantz CD-5005 for transport

I love the SF...maybe Id endgame at Olympica Nova or Electa amator standmounts or Sonetto V floors. I generally subscribe to the thought of affording the most full range in a 2.0 possible before getting standalone subs but if theres a sub that would blend well with my current Sonetto i's musically id be interested to know about it.

The Arcam is a purchase Im also very happy with for now. I do want a bit more convenience of the sort the Sa30 would provide, Roon endpoint, wireless etc, but when I do upgrade amp might opt for standalone dac/streamer and better analog int amp.

The CD5005 I like enough but curious how much more Id need to spend to get noticeable improvement, especially given the other gear I have. I only use it as transport currently. I can't even tell what Im missing...beyond knowing just how much better a system could be overall from my local hifishop listening.

If it matters, I want to stick with integrated as I upgrade, and maybe endgame with a Luxman 505 or something all analog, which would mean a proper dac as well (maybe replace blue sound as well to get a nice dac/streamer?)

I will not anytime in the foreseeable future have a 'listening room'...it will for a long time be combined living room/tv/stereo setup.

Open to any feedback or thoughts! 



@soix You guessed it. I'm pretty focused in on either the X250.8, x350.8 (or the X260.8 monos but I would need to redo the house electrical side). Others I'm considering are Parasound JC5, Coda 8, or similar. Can drive oneself crazy hyper analyzing all the options. And I'm always jealous of those who have dealers willing to allow at home demos. Those don't seem to exist in my area.


The Kanta 3 are a very dynamic speaker already (which is why I chose them over the Sopras and others). So based on all I've seen and heard from other owners, Pass amps are a great synergy since it'll add some warmth and bass extension (lower dampening factor will pair well with the fast Kantas) while still providing a good level of detail. I don't like overly warm, but do love soundstage depth and detail. 

@zander024 Forgot one step, which made a massive difference in my setup. Room treatment.


10. Added an area rug, GIK Acoustics 244 Bass Trap with FlexRange (absorption) for points of first reflection, Soffit and Tri-Trap bass traps to tame bass modes, have two freestanding 6A Alpha Pro Series Bass Trap Diffusor/Absorbers behind my listening position and two on the front wall behind the speakers.


The difference in the room with and without even basic treatment is night and day. Don't discount treatment even if it's minimal. My listening room is also the living room. It's kept the room lively while taming all the major issues.

Just a thought--

You have a decent system now.

As long as the name isn't Lloyd, Soundesign, Bose, or a HT receiver...you get the idea....I wouldn't call it mid-fi.

Your system is especially suited for a non-specific room.