We Need an Affordable Record Flattener

Dear audio industry:

The vinyl loving public at large could use an LP flattener that is affordable, say $500 or less. The DIY method apparently works fine but for those of us with gas ovens and/or those who don't trust ourselves trying to get it right without getting it wrong, an alternative would be great to have. It seems that a great number of new LP releases have at least a slight warp on the outside of the album if not worse and a device to eliminate that would be a great thing to have. From what I can tell by looking at the $1000 plus units that are out there, it's not a device that requires a huge amount of R&D or rocket science grade components.

Hopefully some of you agree with me out there, I would think that it's a great opportunity for someone...

Showing 2 responses by lewm

Check the archives on the Vinyl Asylum. You can make your own record flattener with two pieces of plate glass and your home oven. Heat the oven up to about 175 degrees (or thereabouts, check the thread) and place the warped LP between the two pieces of heavy plate glass. Bake until done. (The VA will tell you the recommended time and temp.) I've never tried it, so don't blame me if it falls flat, as it were.
Grimace, Where and when did I infer that one needed a gas oven? It might be difficult to find tiles that are sufficient to cover the surface area of an LP, whereas one can get glass cut to size fairly easily in any good hardware store. I suppose both tile and glass would work fine, however. Thanks for supplying the specifics as to time and temperature.