We Need an Affordable Record Flattener

Dear audio industry:

The vinyl loving public at large could use an LP flattener that is affordable, say $500 or less. The DIY method apparently works fine but for those of us with gas ovens and/or those who don't trust ourselves trying to get it right without getting it wrong, an alternative would be great to have. It seems that a great number of new LP releases have at least a slight warp on the outside of the album if not worse and a device to eliminate that would be a great thing to have. From what I can tell by looking at the $1000 plus units that are out there, it's not a device that requires a huge amount of R&D or rocket science grade components.

Hopefully some of you agree with me out there, I would think that it's a great opportunity for someone...

Showing 2 responses by grimace

Record flatteners are an immense waste of money, and you don't need a gas oven. Get two 12-inch granite tiles. Turn your oven - gas or electric - on to 200 degrees. Put your record between the tiles. Stick the sandwich in the oven and turn it off immediately. Let it cool until the oven is room temp and presto! You're good to go. If you're worried about the stone on your record you can put cork against your vinyl but i don't and I've never seen any ill effects.
Lewm, You didn't say anything about gas. The original post did. I got my tiles at Lowe's or Home Depot. Don't remember which. Its a stock item and they're heavier than glass.

And speaking of the VPI 16.5 - Now that I'm on "vacation" again I think I can build one for about $50 in parts - including a sacrificial TT for platter and bearing - using a shop vac for the vacuum suply. That'll be a hell of a lot cheaper than the $550 VPI charges.