RIP Joe sad to lose another audiophile and sorry for your personal loss davegh.
We lost an audiophile and a friend- RIP- Joe
I just wanted to mention a friend, a fellow audiophile who has made the journey to the other side. I can't remember his name on here but he was Joe Wyngowski of Belchertown MA, some of you knew him. I know he bought and sold a fair amount on here over the years and if you dealt with him you got a fair deal on good, clean gear. I met him by chance needing a turntable fixed and he ended up selling me a few, lol., old Denon, Harmon Kardon and such. I bought a Sony dvd-9000es because of him, a Musical Fidelity A3.2, etc etc. He taught me a lot about good gear and was extremely generous, giving me albums, old gear, but mainly good advice and we became friends. I can't think of one piece of audio advice he gave me that wasn't right on. The Boston Acoustics VR-M90 speakers that I have now are at his recommendation and I bought them for $450, also the Marantz OSE6000 cd player, the Spec 1 preamp. He loved Musical Fidelity and had an M6si among a bunch of other stuff. He loved his old Tannoy speakers and his Altec Valencias. He was also in the special forces in Vietnam. So, the next time you cue up some Dark Side of the Moon know that the sound travels far and you will touch many people, enjoy it. RIP Joe.