We are being flooded by headphone ads

Over the past few weeks I've noticed a huge influx of oblique discussions about headphones, often Sennheisers.  I'm getting a little tired of it. 

It's clearly meant to generate discussion about headphones, but placed in areas besides headphones.  The guy who allegedly has ear pain without them, the several people looking for changes from brand x... all of them with accounts newly minted. 


Showing 1 response by esarhaddon1

I am only surprised at ANYONE who thinks that this was NOT the next phase of Music evolution. With the Onset of  'STREAMING', modern telephones and Wi-Fi just about anywhere, I would expect nothing different. I know I just got a pair of B&W earbuds and now I don't have to mess with BS wires while sitting in places like the VA Medical center waiting for an appointment. My only problem is that I am TOO CHEEP to pay for a data plan on mu phone so I am bound to Wi-Fi and often that forces me to listen to a downgraded music stream due to limited bandwidth, but anyone wiht data, especially 5g should have no problem getting Hi-def music just about anywhere. The headphones only make your experience that much better.