WD TV - has anyone tried one yet?

Has anyone tried the WD TV HD Media Player yet?


It supports FLAC files, and has an optical output. It has two USB jacks, so you just plug in an enternal hard drive (or two), and you've got access to all your media files. Those features, and the relatively inexpensive price tag ($130, I think), make me very interested in this. It also plays back video files and has HDMI and composite video connections. I sent an email this morning to WD to see if it supports 24/96 FLAC playback, as I couldn't find that info anywhere on their site.

Does anyone here have any experience with this? I did a search here for previous threads, but couldn't find anything. I would love to hear about anyone's prior experience before I try one out.


Showing 1 response by parasound63

Any more feedback on using this for audio? This, and other devices like eGreat seem real popular with college kids and hackers. But is anyone using it for quality audio like FLAC?

Jason- did you get a response from WD?
